Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Human Race

I'm signed up for the Nike+ Human Race
On October 24th. It's kind of cool because you can do an organized race, or just run with your Nike+ anywhere you want, and it counts as part of the event. It's a really fun idea.

Here's the thing that makes it more interesting, I'm going to be in Israel on the 24th. I'm going on a trip with my dad (he has a business meeting, I'm going for fun) to Tel Aviv. So my mission will be

A) To find a place to run
B) Remember to run
C) Not wander off into some disputed territory

It's fun to run in another country. I ran in Paris France with it's ankle-breaking cobblestones, and I ran in Sao Paolo Brazil through some pretty interesting neighborhoods. The only problem is working up the energy to run after walking around and being a tourist all day.

Ran another 5 miles on Labor Day. (Also rode many, many miles on my bike, which don't count.) Bringing my total up to 75. That's almost impressive sounding.

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