I've been running for a pretty long time now, at least a couple of years. In that time I've never once just flat out fallen on my face.
The other night it almost happened twice. I don't know what made me such a spaz. I had the IPod set to 6 miles, which is a pretty standard distance for me, so it wasn't like I was crazy fatigued or anything. The first time I did the full on total body spasm "try as had as I can to not fall on my face flailing around motions" and managed to keep from going all the way down. I did the cliche "look around to make sure nobody saw my little dance of death" thing, and then noticed all the weird muscle aches from all the weird muscles I haven't used since the last time I spazzed out and almost fell on my face. Weird little achy back muscles and things. Very strange sensation.
The other night it almost happened twice. I don't know what made me such a spaz. I had the IPod set to 6 miles, which is a pretty standard distance for me, so it wasn't like I was crazy fatigued or anything. The first time I did the full on total body spasm "try as had as I can to not fall on my face flailing around motions" and managed to keep from going all the way down. I did the cliche "look around to make sure nobody saw my little dance of death" thing, and then noticed all the weird muscle aches from all the weird muscles I haven't used since the last time I spazzed out and almost fell on my face. Weird little achy back muscles and things. Very strange sensation.
The second time I went right down like a puppet who's strings were cut. Tumble, roll, everything. Something about getting a little road rash on the palm of my hands (complete with little pebbles stuck to your mitts!) really reminds me of being a little kid.
Strange, but not such a super big deal.
I did an actual conversion and found out that a 10K is a little over 6 miles, so I added those runs to my total, and I'm at 70 miles. Not too shabby. Every mile flys in the face of my instinctive laziness.
I'm going to get my real training started next week!
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