Saturday, August 15, 2009

Quick Summer Night Run

Went for a nice easy 4 mile run. It was really hot and humid, and I started sweating... well basically wile I was putting my sneakers on, so I figured I should take it slow. I'm trying to add some variety to my training, bid leg strength and stamina and what not, so I went for a really long bike ride yesterday. My legs were all sore.

I don't know how people do serious training during the summer, I just get so tired! Hopefully one of these days I'll get into the NYC Marathon, so I'll have to get used to it.

I'm also not crazy about running at night. One of the first times I ever went running was at night. This was a while ago, I was a total beginner. I was just trying to get some exercise. So I'm just running along down the street at a leisurely pace, when a car filled with teeneaged boys pulls up next to me on the street, they throw a lit cigarette at me, call me a "fag", and tear off down the street. I was just stunned by the whole thing. What was their thought process? "Hey, that guy's trying to better himself! Get him!" I was wearing a hat, which was lucky, as it got a scorch mark on it. (It could have been my lovely hair!)

I like going in the morning!

4 miles down, countless miles to go.

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